Monday, August 20, 2012

So much for choices!

In this new tv add (which some of you have undoubtedly seen) the Obama Campaign attacks Romney/Ryan on their pro life views. If you haven't seen it on TV, you should watch it here. In the video, the Obama campaign plays yet another tune on the heartstrings of America.

They make several points pertaining to Paul Ryan's opposing views on ObamaCare (links to Paul Ryan's roadmap for America) and Mitt Romney's views on 
abortion and birth control. And then they ask the question: "He's made his choice; but what choices will women be left with?" 

Well, Mr. President, you care so much about choice? Then why will it become MANDATORY for people to accept ObamaCare, either paying for insurance or paying an extremely large fine? (read the healthcare bill)

I will be seventeen next year when ObamaCare would go into affect, and I will be eighteen only a year later. What choices will I (as a woman) be left with pertaining healthcare? I will be forced (definition: not done voluntarily) into paying for healthcare or paying a large fine

Oh wait a minute; what was that you just said about Women's choices? where I come from, Mr. President, that is called hypocrisy. 
How would it be more affordable for me (or another hypothetical woman [say,  Julia]) to pay for health care (that she really might not have money for) or pay a large fine (which she would also not have money for) than to pay for something like, say,  Birth Control? did you know that the price for the average box of birth control pills is $10.00? Somehow I'm thinking that birth control would be a lot cheaper than his healthcare.

But then: "He's (Obama) made his choice; but what choices will women be left with?" actually, I am against birth control. However at the moment I am speaking for Julia. If the President really cared that much about Julia's rights, wouldn't he put a bit more thought into the healthcare mandate? 

"Like Romney, Ryan has taken a tough pro-life position against the Obama HHS mandate, saying, 'This is much, much bigger than about contraception. This is about religious freedom, First Amendment rights, and how this progressive philosophy of fungible rights of a living breathing constitution really clashes and collides with these core rights that we built our society and country around.'” -taken from here

what choices will women be left with?


  1. Great point. Where's the "choice" in forced, nationalized healthcare?

  2. Forced national healthcare is an abomination to everything America has stood for all these years. It is completley unconstitutional! Forcing anyone to buy anything goes against the very principles and structure that this nation was founded upon. Unfortunently Obamacare is almost exactly identical to a "plan" called Romneycare, which has already been written, proposed, and turned down. Obama and Romney are almost identical in every way. I have no idea why he chose Ryan as his VP, because they are nothing alike (I like Ryan). As the value of the dollar plummets and the national debt soars, I fear that the end of this great nation is drawing close.

  3. Oh, by the way, I read your profile and you have incredible taste in everything! Just saying.

  4. I'm not a huge Romney fan, but given the options... :)
    I also like Paul Ryan a LOT!
    The end could totally be close, unless WE THE PEOPLE take a stand!

    Thanks for following my blog!
